I. Introduction

Project Name: Random Reminder

Target Audience:

Project Description:

Random Reminder is a tool that encourages users to rediscover and pursue their "would-love-tos" amidst the demands of daily life. It addresses the common problem of forgetting good intentions and letting personal aspirations fall by the wayside.

Problem Solved:

Random Reminder bridges the gap between good intentions and action. It combats the "idea to oblivion" problem by:

The purpose of the competitor analysis:

1. Identify direct and indirect competitors: This includes other apps, tools, or services that address similar issues like forgetfulness, lack of motivation, or maintaining balance in busy lives.

2. Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses: Understand what existing solutions do well (e.g., specific reminder features, user engagement strategies) and where they fall short (e.g., lack of personalization, limited functionality, irrelevant prompts).

3. Find market gaps and opportunities: Analyze unmet needs or frustrations users have with existing solutions. This could inform unique features for Random Reminder, like focusing on personal aspirations ("would-love-tos") instead of tasks ("must-dos").

II. Competitor Selection